It’s the sixth and hopefully last day before I can use my new sourdough starter. I have been diligently feeding it each day with flour and water and allowing the natural yeasts to permeate my mix. Each day I check for bubbles of goodness and so far, so good. In fact, it’s been the most active I have seen, most probably because of the higher temperatures we are seeing.
By the end of the today, I’ll be able to tell whether it’s finally ready and I can make a delicious sourdough loaf. My wife is already agitating for some sourdough pizza dough so that must be high on the agenda and then there is a new batch of sourdough cherry scones to make. All from a starter of flour and water, mixed with a little patience.
As I am in sourdough recovery, I’ve decided now is the time to become more adventurous in my sourdough baking, so look out for some upcoming posts of my sourdough journey.
Thursday though it will be a loaf which will go in the oven, first thing on Friday morning. Just in time for a lunch of poached egg on sourdough toast, with a slathering of smashed avocado, delicious.