Hardcore Grandma

China’s latest fitness celebrity is a true BOLDIE. 68 year old Chen Jifang. We can hear her shouting 加油 加油 (jia you jia you) as we get into our own BoldWorkouts

Published by Steve Foreman on Sep 24, 2020

## Hardcore Grandma

China has a new fitness ‘celebrity’. Chen Jifang, who is 68 years old, works out for two hours every day at her local gym. However, she wasn’t always so enthusiastic about exercise, only joining the gym in December 2018 after a chance conversation with a Personal Trainer. She went on to lose 14kg in 3 months and now works out every day using free weights, resistance machines and challenging bodyweight exercises.

In the past Chen had issues with a fatty liver, high blood pressure and cataracts. All that has changed with regular exercise and last year she was given a clean bill of health. This fits well with China’s drive to get their population to lose weight and improve their fitness levels, Chen is held up as a shining example of what can be achieved. As being fit is one of the ways to help beat Coronavirus, her message is even more relevant.

She is also becoming a social media sensation as she regularly posts her workouts on TikTok, where she has over 410,000 followers. One of her videos has already achieved in excess of 1 million views. The Hardcore Grandma is encouraging everyone to follow her example and has said that she ‘will work out as long as I’m still alive’.

We have discussed the benefits of exercise in previous articles, but Chen captures it best, saying “At our age it is not how much money you have, who you are, or how good your children are. You just want a medical record as short as possible.” Still think you’re are too old for exercise? Read [our article](https://www.theboldage.com/too-old-for-exercise) that debunks any idea that you have to take it easy in your later years. Feeling inspired to increase your own activity levels then look at [BOLDFitness](https://www.theboldage.com/bold-fitness) for ideas on exercise and healthy eating.

As **Boldies**, just remember that doing something is always better than doing nothing. So, let’s get moving and be ‘Alive And Kicking In Our 50s and Beyond’.