Do you trust your tradespeople?

TheBoldAge takes a look at some recent research

Published by Steve Foreman on Jun 07, 2021

If not, then you are not alone. Research commissioned by the Centre for Ageing Better and carried out by IPSOS Mori found that 32% of people in their 50’s and 60’s distrusted tradespeople. The research, which was carried out online, gathered the views of adults (18-75 years old) and investigated what barriers exist to people making improvements to their homes.

The image of the dodgy tradesman or woman appears to still be alive and well, despite the best efforts of the industry. The main concerns of people highlighted by the research was poor workmanship, not being quoted a fair price, worries around the price increasing and paying for unnecessary work to be completed. These concerns even stopped people getting the work done entirely, which could impact on their ability to care for themselves and live an independent life, in turn potentially impacting on the NHS or Social Services.

What can be done? Many people rely on word of mouth. If a tradesperson comes recommended by a friend or family member, then people feel a lot more confident using that individual. Also, if they had used a person for jobs in the past, that would also instil confidence. Finally, if the tradesperson was a member of an accredited trade association, that would also instil confidence to a degree.

There are many websites that can help people find a trusted tradesperson, for example or, but despite these sites growing in number they don’t feature in peoples top three confidence builders.

Whilst this issue appears to be more of a concern to the over 50’s, the findings, albeit to a slightly lesser concern can be found across all age groups. The research in its entirety can be found [here](link). Skip to slide 23 for further information on the trust and distrust of tradespeople.

Even though we live in a world of high-tech marketing, social media and hard copy advertising, word of mouth is still the best marketing tool!