30 days 30 ways UK

A good campaign but the timing and execution by national and local services could have been better to avoid panic

Published by TheBoldAge on Sep 21, 2020

## Don’t panic! It’s an annual campaign on preparedness

You may have woken this morning thinking “what now” if you saw the below on Twitter:

But don’t panic, they’re not aware of some impending emergency that is going to happen in the next 72 hours. In fact it’s an annual campaign run by [30 days 30 ways](https://www.30days30waysuk.org.uk/) aobout resilience and being prepared. A good campaign, just in this time of Covid-19 and fear mongering it could have been perhaps executed in a better manner.

From their personal preparedness information which is available [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1plcc1Don8qqocE2L9VFv4DYmi_kdh4_w-ZB1Phpl6-U/edit#slide=id.g232ab1a0cc_0_16)

### Be informed.
– What do you need to plan and prepare for?
– Be aware of risks through your local resilience forum available ( gov.uk)
– Make sure to follow your local police, fire and rescue services; follow your local resilience forum and met office warnings on social media
– Download the British Red Cross App, the Citizen Aid app
– Have an emergency household plan ready
– Have a grab bag ready (which is what Wandsworth’s tweet was all about):

### Grab Bag
– Pen and notepad
– Torch
– First aid kit
– Personal toiletries
– Seasonal clothing
– Phone charger and battery bank
– Food and water
– Batteries
– Whistle
– Emergency plan